My Dream Dinner Party - Rogano Mural

  • Ida Henrich

Here it is! My mural at the Rogano in Glasgow’s city centre. I began painting this on Monday last week and have made it to the finish line. My Dinner Party pays subtle tribute to some of the Rogano’s fabulous famous diners and will be displayed for the coming 8 weeks before a new story begins to take shape. Have a visit and see if you can find out who is who! . Within my design, I wanted to celebrate the many special occasions from Rogano's long history. The artwork is inspired by BBC 4's 'My Dream Dinner Party' in which I envisioned some of the Rogano's past star visitors around the table. As the main star of the artwork, the food is at eye level. Hints within the artwork allude to the famous guests, but I also just wanted viewers to remember their own special occasions; eating oysters, trying lobster for the first time and sipping on fish soup! While priming the wall, sketching the artwork and painting it, I have been stopped by passers-by. People have told me about their diamond anniversary with tears in their eye, about wearing ball gowns to dine here, meeting their soulmates, graduation parties many years ago and much more. One time a woman walked past and just said: "Oh good something positive is happening" and some young lads on their bikes have given me the thumbs up and told me that they would be back to see the final artwork – which I take as a high compliment! All in all, it has been a nice conversation starter about some good times, which is worth a lot in these strange times.