My Lines

  • lucia dunstane
My pieces up in the exhibition at stoke newington studios
My Lines
Sequins on foam board tiles
16 cm by 16cm
When it came to presenting the tiles, originally i wanted to display them in white frames with a black background, however when it came to the purchasing process something went wrong. I bought the white frame few weeks before the show to test it all out to make sure it look all okay, once i had decide that it did, i wanted to buy more. When i went back to the shop was informed that the white frame product had now been discontinued, which meant there was no more coming in. After panicing and freaking out, i decide that the only other options was to get the black frames as no where else did the white ones. Once the tiles were in the frames, people started to say that they preferred the tiles in the black frames as the sparkling colours stood out even more. When i presenting them at the exhibition i included the white frame as well, i think it gave the piece a slight focal point, the tile in the white frame is was the first tile i made. i was very pleased with how it all turned out. As well as making work for the exhibition, i also made the event available on social media pages, this meant that publicity for the event was spread so a lot of people got to known what was happening, where it was happening etc. Firstly i created the event on Facebook, by making it a public event on here, it meant that anyone and everyone would be able to see the information. I then started to post it onto the university groups and various other art groups i was part of, and a magazine company i knew. By doing this it meant information would travel far and fast informing a lot of people. We also email all the art students, teachers, lecturers with the leaflet and flyers so they knew what was happening. Announcements where made in group meetings. Publicity is key when it comes to event, as the more people you make aware of something the more they are likely to come. By doing this exhibition i learnt a lot, for example, how to put up work, the importance of displaying your work in the right place so the viewer can view it in the best possible light, to making your work look professional and presentable. Being part of a big team and working together didn’t scare me at all as part of part time job is to work as a team, so im used to getting stuck in and helping others around me, no matter what the job is. All these skills i learnt , i can now take on board and use next year when i create my final year show.