National Zakat Foundation

  • Matthias Reichwald

50% of Muslim households in the UK live in poverty. In response to this staggering statistic, the National Zakat Foundation (NZF) was born in 2011 and has since empowered over 10,000 people with more than £10 million in zakat funds. As the UK’s only zakat institution, NZF decided to refresh and refocus their brand to encourage Muslims across the UK to come together and transform their communities through the Power of Zakat.

The Third Pillar of Islam, zakat (from Arabic: “that which purifies”) is a form of almsgiving treated in Islam as a religious obligation for all Muslims who meet the necessary criteria of wealth.
The concept for the brand refresh was ‘togetherness’, shifting focus towards a spirit of unity and a devotion to the welfare of fellow Muslims in the UK.
Concept: Uniting Circles
The new brand expression celebrates zakat as the uniting bond and vehicle for harmony in society. Three overlapping circles represent the Third Pillar of Islam and the rich degrees of colour communicate the deep relationships cultivated through zakat.