Never Mind the Oblivion

  • jessica clark

With Britain crumbling at the fault of the government, it is impertinent that we as a population take the time to have some understanding of the issues at hand. All too often I hear people proudly vocalise their ignorance to current affairs and whilst I understand that ignoring the problem means it does not burden you. The ignorance is not bliss; it is affecting future generations. Never mind the oblivion, take 5 minutes out of your day to engage with the present. This project sought to enlighten the uneducated by illustrating the news they may not endeavour to read… Encapsulating the various chosen stories that have been reported by the Guardian, throughout January and February 2024 with illustrations. Using bright colours and bold textures, a drawing tablet, and an adobe subscription, I made collages that can sit within an editorial context with the aim to capture the eyes of any audience. This project overall was created throughout my final months at Norwich university of the Arts. Taking all I have learnt from my illustration degree to form a project that encapsulates my visual identity to a point. I am a photomontage artist who uses mark making and texture to build my digital illustrations- this has been used in all aspects of my projects, from making editorial illustrations to making silly satirical illustrations that might get a laugh across as well as the important stuff (the news.)