New Beginnings - The Singles Leading Up To A New Album

  • Tom Cutmore

New Year and new work is on its way! The first project that is making its way in January is the album 'Frenetic'; however before this, I have decided to release some of the album early for pre-release marketing and hype building. These tracks are; 'Illenium', 'Callouses', 'An Open Letter'. These exiting new tracks began a completely new form of album artwork, that with experimenting with composition and using brushes and a digital drawing pad, I was able to bring around a new and clean aesthetic to my work. My first track 'Illenium' (out 8th January), was inspired by the sounds that I used, which through the soft bouncy synths and 'velvety' vocals; I wanted to translate through onto the album cover. With this I decided to look into flowers; which more specifically, daisies. With the use of daisies I was able transcend the definitions such as innocence and purity; thus like the themes that are felt during the song. The second track however; 'Callouses' (out 15th January), was a sound, which I wanted to encompass just as well as the first. With a more brutal drum section in the song, and a more droning bass that backs the raps, the song brings a more lumbering theme towards it. With this word, 'lumbering'; I felt the best imagery would be of one's damaged hands, to which the callouses of the hands are just as easily damaged after hard work. With the ability to trace my own hands digitally, I was able to maintain the same aesthetic as 'Illenium'; - which helped carry the series of singles along. Finally the last single being released; 'An Open Letter' (18th January), was crafted as a more atmospheric, and delicate track. With no vocals either, the sense of abundance of persons within the track brings a sense of isolation; hence with the title being 'An Open Letter', there is little guidance, yet evermore escapism within the track; which is why I decided to simply use the imagery of... an open letter.