New North South

  • Cicely Ryder-Belson

As Arts Editor on of the largest piece I commissioned was a ten-week feature which covered the New North South programme on the anniversary of the Partition of India and spanned over a variety of institutions and mediums. I consistently sought to showcase the variety of exhibits and events taking place, which meant I had a very secure knowledge of the city's cultural event calendar. As I took the sole responsibility for the section, it has provided me with a strong work ethic and pragmatic approach to tasks when working on multiple projects. Not only did this test my ability to be organised and reliable, but it allowed me to build up professional networks and key relationships within the sector, for a large part of the position was liaising with institutions and press officers - arranging interviews, previews and reviews, and ensuring that my team maintained these relations with respect and innovation. Not only did this position utilise and develop my knowledge of contemporary visual arts which I established in my Art Foundation, but it has motivated to become further involved with the cultural programming and curating which would lay behind the exhibits I wrote about.