For anyone heading to the bscexpo this Friday 31 January 2020, come and visit Digital Orchard's New Talent Bar, aiming to support those most underrepresented in the industry to make waves and move forward, as well as to help all new filmmakers to make the best use of their time at the BSC Expo. The New Talent Bar (set up on the Mezzanine level of the BSC Expo) will also play host to BECTU and Primetime’s collaborative careers advice sessions for BAME and women camera professionals. Contact to book your session. #digitalorchard #newtalentbar #actionnotwords @Digi_Orchard @digital_orchard @illuminatrixLDN @illuminatrix_dops @women_btc @women_behind_the_camera @primetimeNetwrk @BritBlacklist @thebritishblacklist @bectu @bectuunion @imago92