Nia's Lifestyle Knacks

  • Stefania Xytakis (Nia)

Lifestyle tips & tricks relating to the multifaceted aspects of wellness.

Nia Knack #1
When setting a goal be SMART about it. Meaning, in order for greatest success, make it: ▻ Specific ▻ Measurable ▻ Attainable ▻ Relevant ▻ Time-bound
EXAMPLE: I’m going to post a lifestyle knack every week. VERSUS: I’m going to post one lifestyle knack every Thursday on The Dots for three months.
See the difference?
Nia Knack #2
Keep a non-perishable nutrient dense* snack in arms-reach in places such as:

▻ Living room ▻ Desk ▻ Car

*Unsalted dried fruit & nuts make a great option *Nutrient dense: Foods containing more vitamins & minerals then calories. *Unsalted because the Standard American Diet (SAD) contains high amounts of sodium: Recommended: 1500 mg/day SAD: 2300-3400 mg/day

Not all sodium is created equal, meaning most salt does not contain iodine, which we do need for growth & metabolism. ◆ Keeping some unsalted items around will naturally lower excess sodium intake while providing more nutrients.
Nia Knack #3
Use your non-dominant hand for some of your daily tasks such as: ▻ brushing teeth ▻ washing dishes ▻ taking out trash
What other simple activity can you do with your non-dominant hand?
Nia Knack #4
Create a Vision Board as a valuable reminder of your intrinsic motivators*


▻ Scissors
▻ Push pins
▻ Magazines
▻ Cork board

Then, break it down into five categories:
Health, Love, Family, Knowledge & Career

* Intrinsic motivation: motivation that comes from internal states, such as enjoyment or personal satisfaction
Nia Knack #5
Who doesn’t enjoy treats?

Stop. Take a second. How much sugar is in your treat?

Try choosing items with 10 grams of sugar or less, most of the time, to help lower the amount of sugar you consume overall.
Nia Knack #6
This knack comes from my long-time partner, Josh. It has changed my life by: ▻ keeping the inside & outside of my car cleaner
▻ providing me with regular 20-30 minute physical activity opportunities Wash & wax one panel of your car at a time.
Nia Knack #7
If you want to: ▻ be a leader in your family ▻ enhance your well-being ▻ feel more fulfilled
Prioritize yourself by starting your day doing something you want to do. Even if it’s “just”:
◦ sitting in silence ◦ watching a video ◦ reading an article That way, when things pile up, you don’t feel rushed b/c you practice tending to yourself first. **DISCLAIMER: Yes, that may mean you wake up 30 mins-1 hour earlier.
Nia Knack #8
🎶 You can do it, add a veggie to it.

Adding fresh produce to non-perishable foods goes a long way when balance is the goal.
Nia Knack #9
Many items can be used as an alternative to weights, including but not limited to:

▻ Canned food items ▻ Hydro flask, add water for more resistance ▻ Large rock ▻ Laundry detergent ▻ Bucket filled w/ water to desired height
What can you find around your house to use in lieu of weights?
Nia Knack #10
Cognitive distortions are irrational & usually harmful thought patterns that interfere with a person's well-being. (1.) ◦ As a personal example, I was unable to post a Nia Knack one day b/c I was feeling unwell from my 2nd covid shot. ◦ As oppose to falling victim to "all-or-none" thinking & saying to myself,
"Well, I missed posting my Nia Knack on a Thursday so I might as well just be done with them now." I took care of my needs yesterday & am continuing on, today. 🌀Challenge yourself to examine these misconceptions that underlie negative thought patterns. Ask yourself,How long does it really take to make this simple meal vs. driving to get take-out?How will taking a 15 minute break to walk hinder the rest of my work day?Since I'm so busy during the day, what other options do I have for prioritizing my self-care?

**Disclaimer: if mental illness, abuse or trauma is present, the use of this technique can be harmful. A referral to a mental health professional is warranted if mental illness, abuse or trauma is present.

1. Burns, D.D. (1999). Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy (revised edition). New York. Wm. Morrow & Co.
Nia Knack #11
Portion control is good for the soul. ▻ You still get to eat what you desire without causing adverse effects.
Nia Knack #12
🌀 Breakdown your daily physical activity* (PA) into two to three, 10-15 minute bouts. The PA Guidelines for Americans suggests adults participate in PA: a) At a moderate intensity, for b) At least 150 mins/wk. OR c) At a vigorous intensity, for d) At least 75 mins/wk. OR e) An equivalent combination, to experience the health benefits of PA. *PA: Any bodily movement that contributes to daily energy expenditure (EE). *Exercise: Planned, structured & repetitive bodily movement that contributes to daily EE. ▻ To ensure safety, if risk factors are present, get clearance from your physician before starting any exercise program.

▻ A referral to an exercise professional can assist you in a safe, effective & individualized program, tailored to your needs. Here, you can find qualified professionals near you:
Nia Knack #13
Stop & smell the torch ginger, add to tea. ▻ It's easy to become hyper-focused. Relaxation kicks in our parasympathetic nervous system* & slows down our heart rate. *parasympathetic nervous system: "rest & digest" *sympathetic nervous system: "fight or flight (or freeze)"
Nia Knack #14
Variety in our diet is one of the top ways to eat well & feel well, over a lifetime. Because a diet filled with variety: ▻ ensures we meet most of our nutrient intake through food ▻ exposes us to different types of food to avoid allergies ▻ makes eating more enjoyable

As an example, the highlighted ingredients above are the more important things on the nutrition label.

Fiber, magnesium & potassium are just a few key nutrients lacking in the Standard American Diet (SAD). A good rule is: the less ingredients, the better.
Nia Knack #15
Conducive to:

▻ enhancing your mood ▻ feeling more connected ▻ prioritizing the important things Take time everyday to acknowledge the life around you.
Nia Knack #16
Balance is just as important as variety in our diet, so:

▻ For every processed snack you consume, add one fruit or veggie.

Eat both.
Nia Knack #17
Using your smart phone, set yourself up with reminders (relevant to your goals) & have them go off at random times.

Apply the same concept to your alarm clock.
Nia Knack #18
When enjoying Greek yogurt, a way to:

▻ make it more satiating
▻ increase beneficial oils

Add nuts on top
Nia Knack #19
Take this quiz to learn about your top strengths:

Then, pick one of your top 3 strengths:

▻ Use this strength in a new way, for 1 week, to guide you in getting closer to a lifestyle goal.
▻ Record your observations.
Nia Knack #20
Benefits of choosing different veggies are:

▻ Fun looking up how to prepare it
▻ Learning about its origin

An effortless way to add variety to your diet is to choose 1 unfamiliar fruit or vegetable per trip to the grocery store.