Not On The High Street - Lifestyle & Product shoot

  • Ryan Cardiff
  • Sian Roper

A selection of lifestyle and product shots I made with Not On The High Street. My brief was to photograph the products 'Not On The High Street' sell such as cards, clothing, jewelry, picture frames, etc, and display them in a natural setting where they would be used. The difficulty I found with these shots were time constraints. I only had 10 minutes to set up a photo with each product, so managing to get the perfect shot with good lighting was hard. I found with the help of the art director and good planning, I was able to create a setting with props that helped the pictures tell a story, I also flooded the image with natural light to give it a bright clean feel. The main things I have gained from these shoots are how important collaborating with other creatives can be and photographing products in the environment they were designed for with good colour matching often works best.