Nourish - Earth Conscious Mylk

  • Stephanie Dowd

The Brief: Reduce single use plastics. Nourish is an earth conscious mylk delivery company. Stocking plant based mylk drinks in reusable glass bottles to reduce CO2 produced by animal agriculture, and to help reduce plastic pollution in the drinks industry. Customers are encouraged with incentives through the app to return their glass bottles for reuse. I am delighted to say this project won a Creative Conscience Award in 2020.

How We Work: Simply order the mylk drink of your choice via the app, choose a delivery that works for you or subscribe for regular deliveries, your chosen mylks are delivered via our solar powered lorries, exchange any used bottles for new ones at the delivery, and enjoy your Nourish mylk. Thank you for helping us close the loop.
Solar Power Lorries: Nourish’s delivery lorries are all equipped with solar panelled roofs, in line with the environmentally friendly ethos of Nourish. This same renewable solar power keeps the mylks chilled on route. Each lorry displays one of the six mylk drink ingredients.
Brand Tone of Voice: serious about the environment and looking after our consumers in a thoughtful, friendly way, with a touch of cheeky playfulness.

Extracted from the App on Shop Our Mylk: Tempted? Try any plant based mylk drink you fancy with our one-off deliveries, and once you’re hooked subscribe and save 5% on all your orders. Our reusable glass packaging is helping to combat plastic pollution in the drinks industry.
Nourish The App: The app is a hub for all things Nourish including information on our environmentally friendly core values, browsing and purchasing mylk, booking deliveries, how we work and the many ways to enjoy Nourish.

Within the app there is more information on the incentive scheme: for every 6 empty bottles that have been returned the consumer receives a free bottle of Nourish, as a thank you for helping us close the loop.
Advertising Campaign: I did extensive research into the target market (20 - 40 year olds) which spanned Generation X, Y and Z. Discovering that generally Generation Z like to be empowered and interact with honest brands, Generation Y base their purchasing decisions on reviews, and Generation X value coupons and like to invest in services with a positive impact.

I used different formats to reach all of the generations in the target audience, including: Facebook, Instagram stories and posts, billboards and magazine ads. For the review based ads I reached out to some of the target audience within Generation Y to see what they wanted to hear, and from this created honest, real reviews.

The ‘Change Your Bottle, Mylk and Planet’ series of ads targets all of the generations based on my research. This message shows the consumer why they should change to Nourish mylk, with more information in the tagline and on the app. Some of the other ads focus on other features and benefits of Nourish such as: the ‘Drink, Return and Reuse’ incentive scheme, joining the subscription service and the solar powered delivery lorries.