Oreo - Lick Race

  • Matt Cole
Brief: Oreo. A singularly American brand with an established set of rituals attached. How to introduce UK teens to the Oreo Lick Race (a way to settle differences via a race to lick the cream from inside an Oreo) in a way that is authentic and relevant.
Solution: Collaborate with people the audience love to create a set of genuinely entertaining interpretations of the Oreo Lick Race. This meant organising a pool party for the cast of TOWIE and being banned by the ASA for encouraging YouTubers to go a bit too far.
Results: Not only did our work with TomSka, Kick The PJ & Dan & Phil garner millions of hits, it became the content talking point of the year after some helpful soul at CBBC’s Newsround dobbed us in to the ASA. Thanks a bunch John Craven.
Platform: Youtube & TV


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