Other Parties logo and monogram

  • Tom Lancaster
Over the past couple of months I’ve enjoyed working with Other Parties, a film company that ‘distributes, promotes and discusses films’ to create a logo.
This was the brief: ‘It must be robust, young and irreverent. It must work across various platforms – on screen titles, film posters, website, merchandise, social apps/digital icons, business cards and be a visual shorthand for Other Parties. The logo must be flexible enough to be integrated with all the above and be able to stand alone distinctively.’
As always, when I create a logo or identity I like to sketch a little and then to start drawing bespoke letters digitally to get a feel for what works and what doesn’t. In this case I started with a cinematic ‘O’, slimmer at the sides, and then built this character out across the other letters.
I created two versions of the logo – one a chaotic scattering of the letters, the other set across two lines. I also created a monogram – the vertical ‘O’ and ‘P’ –  as a nod to classic film logos, which acts as shorthand for the company.
Here you can see the three colour combinations used across the identity: peach and off-black; hot orange and deep purple; and lilac with rail blue.
Follow Other Parties on Instagram and Twitter