Brainbows? NOUN: informal “…the result of a process by which the individual neurons of a brain can be mapped with fluorescent proteins under a light source.” I haven't played with paints since school but I have created art in different ways for years (mostly in the creation of immersive multi-sensory experiences). I’m still following that path and am currently Artist in Residence at SBCAST (the Santa Barbara Centre for Art, Science and Technology). Ex-Artist in Residence and alumni of two programmes, The Design Science Studio (Buckminster Fuller Institute) and The Living Collaboratory between the Design Science Studio and the Emergent Media Lab at The University of California Irvine. However, I've recently started a self art therapy practice as a somatic way to express myself and I finally feel like I’ve discovered a language that allows me to express all of the emotions and sensations that I didn’t have words for. These paintings are the result of a lifetime of unexpressed multi-sensory perception. It appears that I have a lot to say and so I’m excited to see and share how I experience the world.