Panelist Coordinator for The Guardian's Shades of Black Series

  • Majella Mark

I was tasked by one of the producers of the "Shades of Black" series to bring a group of black cis-gender women together from different backgrounds for a discussion about colorism (the injustice systematic and sociological construct that brings discrimination and hostility within the black community til this day, creative by the oppressive structure before our time). I was able to get a total of eight women including myself for the project. In the group included my sister Sherrie Mark, a mother/daughter duo, a dark skin mother of a light skin daughter, an afro-latinx woman with the indigenous roots of Guatemala, a bi-racial artist who identify solely as black and a dark skin queer artist who grew up embracing her complexion. The video is only five minutes long but the conversation itself lasted almost two hours. We were able to engage in a variety of subjects that did not make the video but did reassured that our individual experiences were valid and related to each other.