Party for The Yard

  • Charlotte McKelvie
In Glasgow, Scotland, there are two scenes undeniably synonymous with Glaswegian culture: skateboarding and music. One of its most stimulating venues, SWG3, revered by locals as much for its artistic exhibitions as its alternative club nights made it the ideal spot to play host a fundraiser for the consturction of multi-purpose recreational skate parks to be build in Glasgow. The name 'Party for The Yard' stems from the opening of the new SWG3 Yard in Glasgow as this is where the skatepark is set to be situated. Originally I began raising money for the 'M74 Skatepark' based in another location in Glasgow.
A lot of my good friends skate and I’ve always been interested in supporting that scene due to its creativity, the respect everyone has for one another, and the supportive attitudes within the scene in Glasgow and the night could not be a better vibe or success with support from far outwith the skate community reaching full capacity now which showcases the spirit of Glasgow.