Passing The Baton - The Legacy of the Windrush Pioneers is a documentary film produced by Nyara School of Arts and directed by Paris North. The documentary celebrates the lives and legacies of Sheffield's Windrush and Caribbean elders. It explores the stories of Sheffield's Windrush elders and their influence on second and third-generation Caribbeans and the ways in which they've shaped Sheffield's cultural and historical landscape. Commissioned by Sheffield City Council, the film highlights the decline of the cultural spaces that have been at the heart of Sheffield's Caribbean community since the '50s and looks at what we can now do to bring about a revival for current and future generations. Director - Paris North Edited by Paris North and Thomas Byrom Producer - Danae Wellington (Nyara School of Arts) Illustration by Tomekah George Commissioned by Sheffield City Council Supported by The Independent Caribbean Kollective and The Black Arts Collective.