Each year, Penguin holds a design competition where they encourage students to redesign a famous book, from the front cover to the spine and back, each book has it’s own genre and style which added to the complexity of this project, this year I chose to redesign “The Night Manager” by John Le Carré. The book cover was a compilation of all my previous designs, the front cover was a brush stroke finish, to highlight the idea that spy work is dangerous and rough, this finish entices the reader to want to learn more. The back cover was much more striped back, which allowed me to include more information about the blurb and the reviews. Having this clear contrast in styles made the book look more diversified and therefore intriguing to the reader, showcasing the life of a spy living a double life, a blend of organised chaos. I was really happy with the final design and felt Century Gothic would be the perfect clean font to finish off the theme and design of my book cover.