PERFECTION IS OVERRATED- A campaign and events designed to tackle food waste

  • Valentina De Marchi

BRIEF: Aiming to tackle food waste, I focused on one of the reasons for which people through away edible food: its imperfections CONCEPT: Inspired by the relation people tend to have with their looking as we live in a society where perfection is constantly promoted - also food has to be perfect to become an object of desire, although this cause unnecessary waste.

A guerrilla campaign which intervenes on those misleading advertisement that promote shiny, perfectly shaped and almost unreal fruit and veg that pursue this concept of perfection = worth. , which makes sense in a way but on the other cause misconception and food waste.

By distributing stamps and stencils during the events related to PERFECTION IS OVERRATED campaign, I want to invite people to take part in the movement against the wrong concept built around food.
TASTE THE NO DIFFERENCE is a series of events that aim to educate people about food- showing how beautiful dishes can be be created with imperfect food.
Second event part of TASTE THE NO DIFFERENCE campaign. The idea is to stand in the shop giving to people ‘one imperfect veg’ for each perfect they bought so they can see and taste the NO DIFFERENCE.
MADE WITH... LOVE&IMPERFECTION products. I want to give people the tools to independently save their imperfect food by giving them the recipes to make their own at home.