Pharma Fashion

  • Louise Skajem

Fashion sustainability is a hot topic these days. Several extensive reports have been written about the global problem the fashion industry has. However, most consumers are not aware of the findings and suggestions in these reports. Focusing on one issue in isolation distorts the complexity. The consumer should be more aware of the complete lifecycle of their garments. The purpose of the project is to allow people access to the very complicated issue of fashion sustainability. I have done this through happenings, interventions and objects that give people access to the complexity so that they can start making more informed choices. I have looked at the pharmaceutical industry and the way it is regulated when it comes to providing information to the consumer. Pharmaceutical packaging provides both the benefits and the side effects of its product. As a consumer we have accepted that there are both negatives and positives with the product. Clothes were packed in boxes to simulate prescription medicine packaging. The boxes present both negative and positive aspects of the garments. Medicine proves that even though something is super complicated and there is no black and white answer, doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be able to make informed decisions. It is not a solution but opening a door for people to imagine different ways that this could be done.