Portfolio Copywriting

  • Tommaso Battimiello
1) This first is a short exemplum of text provided to present a kickstarter campaign. The game is King of Con and has been personally managed by myself for Cobblepot Games. The campaign has been succesfully funded.
The long-awaited annual convention will take place this weekend: nerds from all over the world will participate hunting for novelty rarities. You are the number one at what you do: it doesn’t matter whether it is a legendary fantasy artifact or a dried xenomorph, you have to get it at all costs. It’s the only way to gain the eternal respect of the nerd community and be crowned as the King of Con!
2) This second exemplum is the rulebook introduction to a card game, Smiles & Daggers, published worldwide. After the rulebook introduction I have provided a short and sharp motto and description for each faction the player can interpret within the game.
Smiles & Daggers is a treacherous game that will probably hurt even rocksolid friendships. In order to succeed in this game, guessing your opponents’ intentions is essential. But you have to be careful. Sometimes even the slightest change on opponents’ facial expression can tell you that someone is up to betray you. Being able to distinguish between the truth and lies is vital. No prearranged plans can help you. There are not shortcuts that can grant you to prevail over your opponents. Perhaps you should keep your eyes fixed on other players rather than on your cards. Will you remain stuck in this Chinese box full of bluff or will you win the
throne? Never let your guard down! Any smile could hide treason. Don’t forget that «There’s daggers in men’s smiles». Smiles & Daggers is based on one of the most famous dilemma of Game Theory. The term counter-competition, a neologism invented by the authors, indicates the main game mechanic: it is a competitive game where victory is more achievable through cooperation, but you can only win alone. In other words, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer!
Drago’s House
Watch ‘out
we are dangerous!
Their savage faces should
be clear enough, they are
warriors and plunderers.
They want your gold, your
food, your house and…
everything you own.
Fighting is useless.
Kraken’s House
We’re giving
a surprise party
for you!
In Kraken’s house it is
Carnival everyday. There is
always music and everyone
dances. But it is an old grim
dance. These people can
control an arcane energy and
are masters of deception.
They have no name and no
face. They actually are the
worst nightmare of every
Unipegasus’ House
You die
a thousand deaths!
Their house lies over the
fiery eastern deserts, where
it is easy to get confused
between illusion and reality.
In those places, one single
drop of water can make
a difference between life
and death. They are never
unprepared. They are as
poisonous as desert snakes.
Hydra’s House
Nasty relatives!
At theirs court nobody is
safe. One wrong gesture
or a misplaced smile
could turn out to be a fatal
error. Perhaps you should
have laughed louder at
that joke; now you realize
the wine you are drinking
has a strange taste…
Chimera’s House
We have to win
at all costs!
Love for luxury and tricks
is a deadly mix. From
their sumptuous houses
members of this rich family
continuously think up new
plans, in order to achieve
the power. When they can’t
win something, they just
buy it.
Griffin’s House
We want to court!
It takes strong shoulders to
carry heavy armors. Honor
and sacrifice have a great
value for Griffon’s House.
However, the court lacks
charming ladies. All war and
no Ladies makes Griffon
warriors heartless…or