PR and Marketing

  • Alice Martin

Marketing and PR Campaign for Serge de Nimes Raising awareness for Strokes in Men. Men die approximately 5 years sooner than women. ( Strokes are the 5th leading cause of death in men and are more fatal and strike earlier in men than women. When 80% of strokes are preventable (, why is it still the 5th leading cause of death in men? According to studies, men are less likely to go to the doctor than women due to fear of diagnosis, “macho attitudes” and being uncomfortable with examinations. 20% of men only go to the doctor just so a loved one will stop nagging them about it and men are less likely to be honest once they get there. ( Although the F.A.S.T stroke advertising campaign in 2011 was hugely successful “in the two months after the adverts finished running and people’s awareness of the signs increased, the NHS in England saw a 24 per cent rise in stroke related 999 calls, and a 16 per cent rise in stroke sufferers being seen quicker following the campaign in 2011.” The campaign regularly resurfaces. “Oxford University experts found such patients who had seen the adverts were more than twice as likely to seek medical attention because of their awareness.” But this only about the sudden symptoms when the stroke is actually happening not the warning signs that could be seen before it gets to the stroke. In order to prevent male deaths by strokes a change in attitude needs to take place so men will make a doctor’s appointments as soon as they notice any early symptoms that they need to be educated on as well. Oliver Proudlock is attempting to tackle men’s collective chronic aversion to jewellery with his brand Serge de Nimes. ( And with the cause trying to tackle mens collective aversion to seeking help and visiting the doctor when they notice a change in their health, the two blend together creating a cohesive campaign.