Presentense Exhibition & post-degeneration clip

  • Bert Koh
2008 • Art direction, motion graphics, illustrations
Bangkok Design Festival invited fFurious to showcase one of our works. Jon-erik and I decided to do an abstract piece based on the work and concepts created for a previous exhibition, Presentense, held at the Substation in 2007.  It's a twist on the degeneration idea surrounding the '07 exhibition. Using the illustrations from the previous exhibition, we wanted to see how the objects evolve into uncertainty using sample-based generative art.
Generative art by Jon-erik Andreassen.

Image from the dystopian side of the exhibition in 2007.
This additional piece was created for the exhibition, Presentense. The dystopian video was projected onto an illustration artwork of a building with a huge tv panel, simulating a dystopian billboard.


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