Pulp x Sophie Rose Brampton Illustrations

  • Sophie Rose Brampton

A series of gynaecological illustrations for new menstrual platform and store Pulp. This project was super exciting to me as it involved learning lots of new scientific menstrual information! Creating these illustrations for a new platform that aims to provide a safe and informative space for people who menstruate was really awesome as I love creating work that serves an informative and positive purpose. Imagine a place where period shame didn’t exist and where all people could talk freely about their menstrual health. A place where mother’s bring their daughters to talk about their first period. Where people experiencing the aftermath of an endometriosis scare, who have been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries or had some weird bleeding could talk openly and honestly. Where the queer and trans community felt actively part of a conversation about menstruation. Where the products you buy are not just the right fit for you as a person who bleeds, but also help communities and/or contributes positively to the world we live in. Products made for everyone who bleeds. https://getthepulp.com