Qu-ear magazine was created as a part of a brief we were given by Will Hudson, founder of Its Nice That. Hudson asked us to create a platform for something we cared about personally. As someone who is a part of the LGBTQ+ community, I decided I wanted to create a magazine that represented other artists from the community and how we create art that represents ourselves throughout our work.
This included interviews which featured 8 artists describing their own work, inspirations, how their work helped them throughout life and more. The magazine also included a page of music produced by LGBTQ+ artists that I wanted to recommend to the readers of Qu-ear as well as a full review written by myself, of an artist which in this issue was Lauren Sanderson, a young gay woman living in LA, making amazing music with a huge social media following.
I kept a clean cut minimalistic theme running throughout the entirety of the magazine which was inspired by the likes of Kinfolk, The Gentlewoman and System Magazine. The majority of the photography was shot by myself which helped me experiment more with portrait photography, which is another area I am interested in.