Rate the Raters 2020 (SustainAbility)

  • Nathan Brown

How do we make a report informing investors on ESG ratings, bolder than ever before?


The Rate the Raters report is a project undertaken by SustainAbility (a think tank and advisory firm) as a way of better understanding “the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings and to provide perspectives to help companies, investors, and other stakeholders make sense of and derive more value from ESG ratings.”

This report highlights the perspective of investors whilst sharing insights, survey results and other information so that investors can make the most informed decisions that can mitigate the least risk.


Design a digital report for Rate the Raters 2020 to inform investors on ESG ratings and topics.


A digital report with an accompanying powerpoint presentation, webinar, and social media cards.


For more information check the project page on my site: nb-d.co.uk/rate-the-raters-2020

Project Tags


  • Wolf&Player logo


    • Design
  • S

