Re-Vision X Move beyond the socially constructed

  • Molly Ford

The Re-Vision campaign aims to highlight the shifting ideologies and contradicting expectations women face in current society, through typographic elements, texture, and disorientation. Denoting a series of graphic statements responding to unattainable expectations, the final outcome confronts these contradictions and challenges perceptions. By exposing the visual and written content in layers, it emphasizes the sense of confusion and pressure.

Inspired by #3 Revisionism issue of 'The September Issues' magazine, the campaign streams across both print and digital. Its overall intention is to act as a catalyst for dialogue by raising awareness of otherwise normalised opinions. In turn, creating a notion of change towards new social standards.
Using the medium to communicate its message, each design is printed individually onto acetate. Scanning the overlapping layers visualises the contrasts within each statement, as the smudged ink and imperfections tie together the contrasting statements by visually merging them together. Contrasting typefaces and different grid layouts make each unique, resulting in dynamic visuals and typographic play when overlapped within each outcome.