Royal Holloway Freshers Ball

  • Kyri Shionis
  • Matthew Briggs

Freshers Ball is an annual event that I have been producing since 2015 after taking over the project from an indoor gala dinner to an outdoor festival. Started off with a small 7k budget and 1000 attendees, now grown to 35k budget and 2500 attendees. It is a creative project due to the narrow archway into the quad meaning that vehicles are not able to drive through. That brings its own challenges including a compulsory custom truss design for the festival’s main stage using the grade-one listed building and its stairs as a backdrop and extension of the design. From design to delivery, we put a structure in-between the steps and in front of the balcony of the venue, providing raised areas for performers and dancers making the #show much more interactive and fun for the 2500 cap audience.