This brief, entitled ‘The Good Life 2.0’ was set for the RSA Student Design Awards Competition. We were required to create a product, service, campaign or system that facilitates positive lifestyle behaviours in daily life. This/These lifestyle changes should be a step towards tackling one of the prominent issues of - rising rates of heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes.
Working in group of 5 over half a term, our concept was to create a fun, interactive project that transforms Waterloo Station’s underground into vibrant immersive spaces. It begins with the light-up ‘Ready?’ ‘Set?’ ‘Commute!’ floor signs that build anticipation in leading to our centrepiece - the escalators. Each escalator has a calorie deduction to demonstrate the impact of stair-climbing to one's health. Ideally, the numbers would light up when stepped upon. The NHS define stair-climbing as a ‘vigourous’ activity capable of halving the risk of a half attacked when done for just 7 minutes a day.