RSA - The Good Life 2.0 / Creative Campaign Concept Development

  • Lizzy Davis
This brief, entitled ‘The Good Life 2.0’ was set for the RSA Student Design Awards Competition. We were required to create a product, service, campaign or system that facilitates positive lifestyle behaviours in daily life. This/These lifestyle changes should be a step towards tackling one of the prominent issues of - rising rates of heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes.
Working in group of 5 over half a term, our concept was to create a fun, interactive project that transforms Waterloo Station’s underground into vibrant immersive spaces. It begins with the light-up ‘Ready?’ ‘Set?’ ‘Commute!’ floor signs that build anticipation in leading to our centrepiece - the escalators. Each escalator has a calorie deduction to demonstrate the impact of stair-climbing to one's health. Ideally, the numbers would light up when stepped upon. The NHS define stair-climbing as a ‘vigourous’ activity capable of halving the risk of a half attacked when done for just 7 minutes a day.  
We surveyed a range of tube users, and discovered that the main reason given for abstaining from exercise is ‘Lack of Motivation’ closely followed by ‘Lack of Time’ so we wanted to change people’s attitudes so that they no longer see exercise as a chore, motivating them to do exercise without interrupting their jam-packed schedules. The brand that I developed speaks to the audience in a fresh way that isn't patronising or judgemental. It is humorous, yet powerful, and the visuals brightening up a normally dull commute to/from work. Engaging in these novelty features should hopefully spark a more positive attitude that remains even after leaving the tube station.