• Dwayne Bickersteth

From the ashes scattered amok, they tell a story. A tale of struggle mixed with blood, sweat & tears. Dry and lifeless, the fragile flakes are in the shadows of the strength they used to possess. The ashes represent the past, the times that are consigned to history. Look back and reminisce, the good times, the great times, the elite times. Gone. Oops. From the soil densely packed, they also tell a story. An adventure starring hope supported by naïvety and ignorance. They might be like scabs but it is better not to pick at them. The earth will handle these flaws, turning precious cons into precious pros. The soil points towards the future, fresh starts and novel conquests. Don't knock the struggle or the blood or the sweat or the tears. The ruins will show how necessary sacrifice is for growth. Substance is dead. Substance abuse isn't.