Saïd Business School - Oxford University

  • Kim Townend

I was contacted by the team at Saïd in late 2018 to help them better understand their social audience. I undertook a 4 part project, firstly conducting a big social listening project around 5 key areas of interest for the school, to understand who the audience were, where they were, what they were talking about and identify any potential pain points. Alongside this I undertook a social media audit of all the Universities current social channels to really understand what was going on and frame the issue. Using the data from the first 3 exercises I created a full social media strategy and repositioning to give them a new social purpose and update the brand making them more relevant to their target audience. Finally I wrote them a social media playbook, which included a community management guide, bespoke guidance for their brand, KPIS to work to and TOV/content guidelines too.