Southwark Culture Health and Wellbeing Partnership (SCHWeP) brings together local Southwark residents with key area stakeholders such as the Tate, The Old Vic, F.A.T Studio and Team London Bridge to share expertise and experiences that promote health and wellbeing in the community. The partnership approached LCC looking to develop a stronger identity for the collective and streamline the understanding of their services to the residents and any future stakeholders.
“The students have been supporting us with understanding our value and developing our brand identity…The project has been extremely beneficial to us as we have neither the capacity or expertise to work out how to articulate our value and visually present what we do.”
“The project has also given us the added benefit of in-depth engagement with a number of key members of our partnership which will help us to improve the role that we play in the borough. And we've done all this by working with emerging creative talent from one of our local colleges - a win win all round!”