• Alicia Farley

SEEN serves as a forum for the innovative, independent, and pioneering arts in the South West. The customer first noticed that there was a need in the industry for local artist promotion. They are mostly focused on music, but they also have fashion, exhibitions, and other cultural events. In 2015, the platform began as an initial blog. The blog quickly developed into a comprehensive website with creative listings, and in 2018 the print quarterly magazine was added. The platform is currently in need of a new brand identity to better represent the innovative and experimental nature of what they do, given its rapid expansion and success. SEEN needed a bold new logo, why not live up to the name? The colours chosen are bright and eye-catching, sure to be seen on any magazine stand. The logo is made up of a mix of each colour so that each issue, which with every release will cycle through each colour (issue no.1 = green, issue no.2 = yellow, issue no. 3 = blue, issue no. 4 = pink. the cycle continues) will always match the logo colours. The main body of the magazine uses Jutlania Slab, a modern Slab Serif Font that compliments the logo font, Soloman Sans Black.