• Gabriella Gasparini

"SEXBODIES, contrary to what the name might suggest, is not interested in sex per se, and does not focus on the carnal conception of physical bodies. No, SEXBODIES outstrips the normative narrative of sexuality, its identities and all its bodies. SEXBODIES is not about the disrobing of clothes, but rather about the removal of stigma, the undressing of calcified stereotypes and the exposure of centuries of sexual institutionalisation. Although presented as static images, behind each and every photo lies a performance, an act, a behaviour and a ritual that tells a story as loud as the photo itself. In SEXBODIES Guido Castagnoli wants to unearth the raw, neutral and decidedly unsexualised nature behind the sex-positive community in Berlin, a city with a rich history of sexual openness that is now renowned for its queer culture and all-welcoming techno nightlife. SEXBODIES, comes as the result of the intersection between these two scenes which Castagnoli previously explored in his eponymous project BODIES THAT MATTER, referencing Judith Butler’s 1993 book on queer theory, and TECHNOBODIES a photographic outlook into the world of Berlin’s club kids." Read the full article on www. the theory institute .com