SHIFT Business Festival 2019

  • Miia Salakka

Since 2016, SHIFT’s speakers have been nothing but the best-of-the best, and the year 2019 is no exception. In 2019, the stage program will feature two main tracks: Deep tech for Future & Deep tech for Industry. The Future track has its eye on 3 to 10 years from now and the action we should take now; the Industry changes are already here today, and the impact will continue to be felt for many years to come. In our main program you have the opportunity to hear and speak with modern-day-einsteins spanning from business & technology to science & philosophy. We pride ourselves in offering you the most intellectually stimulating content out there. Elevate your understanding and join thousands of other curious minds and ground-breaking companies!

What is Intelligent Business and why should we care? A collection from news pieces & Press Releases I have written for the event
Blog post about why you shouldn't think AI hype just as a hype.

Also do you know that with new technologies you can even hack loneliness if you are willing to try?

What about making sustainable fashion?

Or going to events green? SHIFT is collaborating with Hope Fund making it possible for attendees to compensate their visit and while doing so, plant trees and help the developing countries.

Tips on how to maximiza the benefits from the event attendance.