SHOWCASE: art unites @ museum night maastricht

  • Janne Baetsen
MUSEUM NIGHT MAASTRICHT (2016+2017+2018+2019)
One night, 13 art venues, 130 artists, 125 performances, 17,500 m² of art, drinks, bites and beats.
A night filled with eccentric contemporary art, valuable historical artefacts, mind-blowing performances, striking archaeological finds, cutting-edge video art and musical tunes in the heart of Maastricht.
At a time seemingly defined by division, art is a language understood and embraced by many, with the ability to connect us all. Museum Night Maastricht is for young and old, for epicureans and art lovers, for worldly Maastricht residents and borderless Europeans, for early birds and night owls. More than 4,000 museum connoisseurs per year are able to enjoy their favourite museums by night and new visitors, including many students and young people, flock to Museum Night Maastricht en masse.
I have every year the honour to coordinate, communicate, co-develop and launch this succesfull one-of-a-kind, Maastricht-by-night art experience.