
  • Levi Painter

Skateboarding protective gear made out of waste ABS plastic

Research Phase

During this phase the group focused on the properties and general uses of ABS plastic.

What is ABS?
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) is a highly durable thermoplastic polymer. Thermoplastic materials are able to be melted down and cooled repeatedly into different shapes, making ABS a recyclable plastic.

The Main properties of ABS found were:
  • Safe for food processing
  • Excellent impact, chemical and abrasion resistance
  • Superior stiffness and strength
  • Easily machined and thermoformed
  • Good dimensional stability
  • Excellent electrical properties
  • Recyclable
Ideation & Development Phase

Using our research we chose to create ideations for the most promising material properties of ABS. The group decided after our concept generation to focus on the strength and impact resistance of ABS. From our ideations the team decided our aim of this project was:
To Create a Product useing ABS to Prevent Sporting Injuries
Using our aim the team made various developments until we came to the conclusion of design sustainable skateboarding protective gear.
Final Product: The SkateSafe

The SkateSafe final design originally incorporated a hemp t-shirt to cover the protective gear. The group collectively decided the protective gear was asthetically pleasing due to the unique patterns and colours created by the melted ABS, therefore the t-shirt was taken out of the final design.