I recently created a short animation for the world famous band Sleeping At Last. They asked me to produce a short animated video for their song “Lullaby”. Their music is beautifully haunting, each word has immense thought put into it which somehow converts their music into art.
They have a very unique way of show casing their songs via micro music videos, in their own words a “Micro Music Video” is;
“A tiny, simple and hypnotizing video accompaniment to my songs. Rather than seeing a static image, I loved the idea of having a visual to get lost in while listening.”
I was honoured to create this little animation to accompany “Lullaby”, my main aim was to create a simple/dream like abstract object which has slow and minimal movement so that the listeners thoughts were still hooked on the music and they lyrics.
You can watch here : https://youtu.be/okSeQmE7m_I