Small Talk, Big Impact

  • Stephen Harris

Perception of mental health’s gotten better in recent years. We’ve made leaps and bounds in just the last decade, and while the future is uncertain, it’s also incredibly promising. Unfortunately, there still exists stigma today that needs to be addressed - and it doesn’t always come on the form of someone underestimating how severely mental illness affects someone. Mental illness can be seen as some huge, monolithic, impenetrable beast. And rather than try to help someone suffering from one, a well-meaning individual might avoid talking to someone entirely, afraid they might make the situation worse, or just not knowing how to talk to someone with such an affliction. “Small Talk, Big Impact” aims to fix this. One of the biggest things that a person can do for someone suffering a mental illness is to treat them like normal. Ask them how their day was, invite them out to things - just treat them like a human being, rather than an illness inhabiting a human body. Even a single text (shown by the massive icon in the back) can be enough to help.