Smart Art Critique - Edinburgh Napier Dazzle Exhibition

  • Danny Ewing
Smart Art Critique is a piece of interactive sound art designed to make the user contemplate their perception of art generally as well as specifically in the context of an exhibition. 
The project is a multi-speaker set up, which can be implemented to any exhibition space. The speakers play an unidentifiable conversation track until a user activates one of the infrared sensors placed near the speakers. Once activated, this crossfades into specific art criticisms in the form of processed phrases. The phrases used are cut up and placed into the room tone. The aim of this is to make the user aware of the phrases subconsciously, so they notice the change when they trigger a sensor.
My role within this project was to source and set up all of the audio equiptment used on the day of the exhibition. As the piece took up a fair bit of space, this involved the splicing and organising of cables as well as working with motion sensors linked to Max. I alos assisted with the audio side of the project, sourcing samples and dialogue tracks, editing these and mixing them.
This installation was used at Edinburgh Napier's Creative Computing Exhibition, Dazzle, in 2016.

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  • E

    Edinburgh Napier University