Snowboard Scotland

  • Stephen Furness
A mini adventure that ended up as a book. Each winter, thousands of people from the UK descend on ski resorts across the Alps in search of fresh powder and aprés ski. But with the Scottish highlands seeing some of their best snow conditions in years, we posed the question; what do our home grown resorts have to offer? This curiosity culminated in a plan cobbled together over a pint to set out on a mini adventure and find out. Although the ski areas have seen considerably less investment than the Alps, there is a raw honesty to the Scottish offering with none of the pretensions of its European counterparts. In fact, it's an area that has a long history of winter sports that deserves greater recognition. Although not the initial intention, a book was produced documenting the mini adventure. Photos are interlaced with history about the ski resorts, serving as an informative document to other curious souls