St. Cecilia's Music Hall Outreach, Folklore Videos

  • Helen Morris

Educational videos looking at Scottish Folklore, with reference to specific artefacts in the University's Carmichael-Watson Collection

I am currently working on a three-part video series for St. Cecilia's Music Hall, organised by Laura Beattie. My videos concentrate on investigating Scottish folklore by considering relevant artefacts within the University of Edinburgh's Carmichael-Watson collection and what their history may reveal.
Alongside this, I have created an accompanying log-book that has questions for children to help them consider the real-world implications of folklore within their community. If they fill in this log-book completely they may submit it as evidence towards the Arts Award Discover Online.
Video 1 focusses on Scottish Folklore generally, and different examples of folklore within the collection. The second video will look at Scottish artists and Folklorists, and how local folklore influenced them and their work, and what current historians may discover from analysing their works. The final video encourages and guides watchers to create their own piece of folklore, a story for instance, and illustrate it themselves.