STILES Magazine Issue 2

  • Julian Roberts
  • Bryn Walden-Jones

In Issue 2 of STILES Magazine, we crossed the River Mersey with Bill Ryder-Jones, a musician and Everton fan who finds watching and playing football can help him deal with mental health challenges. Similarly, for Alastair Campbell, his lifelong love of Burnley Football Club has helped him deal with depression and alcoholism while working at the highest level of government - he told us all about it over some scrambled eggs and smoked salmon. The issue also features a photography essay on refugee camps and how the love of football brings together communities stranded far from home, and a feature on the amputee football club in Lebanon, where victims of landmines use football as a way to deal with their life-changing injuries. Issue 2 is sold out on the STILES website, and stocked worldwide. More info: @stilesmagazine