Stone Paper Illustrations

  • Saachi Mehta
Challenge: Kyoorius has come up with a new range of papers called ‘StonePaper’. These papers are fire - proof, water - proof, bug resistant, and they are soft and tough at the same time. So, the challenge is to make illustrations to depict this softness and toughness of the paper from an emotional point of view, to market these papers.

Background: Since the illustrations had to have an emotional perspective on the softness and toughness of the paper, I thought of using natural elements or ideas from stories with a moral. I picked an indirect approach was create curiosity.

Concepts Developed :

1. Soft story, Tough moral:
The hare and the tortoise is a well - known, soft and simple tale that teaches a tough and bold moral. Its the slow and steady that wins the race, while it also explains that the strong and determined tortoise earns the perks (here the ice cream) in life, while the meek and lazy hare lags behind. Thus symbolizing the combination of the tough and soft nature in the ‘Stone Paper’.

2. Metamorphosis:
Metamorphosis is the process of transformation. This illustration depicts the natural transformation of fruits (pineapple) from flowers. The transformation is the transition from the soft and delicate flowers to the tough and sturdy pineapple. The bird symbolizes the natural processes of pollination and regeneration, sucking nectar from flowers and nourishment from fruits. Thus signifying the soft and tough quality of the naturally created ‘Stone Paper’.