Stop waiting to be discovered

  • Jessica Dance

The universe has been telling me lately I need to talk about “waiting to be discovered”. Multiple clients in the last couple of months have uncovered a belief that they need to wait to be discovered, I say HELL TO THE NO, you do not need to wait.

The universe has been telling me lately I need to talk about “waiting to be discovered”.
Multiple clients in the last couple of months have uncovered a belief that they need to wait to be discovered. I say HELL TO THE NO, you do not need to wait.

I am a big believer that we make our own luck and our own success in life, the belief that we need to wait around to be discovered is what perpetuates the struggling artist story, this story serves no one. When you believe that you need someone to discover you it is likely that you will feel disempowered, stuck and frustrated.
Doing great work and showing up consistently will bring you some success. However, you can supercharge and speed up that success by actively reaching out to your aligned gallery/brands or customers. Remember these people may not know you exist yet, it's your job to get on their radar.

Below are my pillars for aligned business growth:

1. Create work consistently
2. Share your work
3. Tell people about your art/ creative business
4. Reach out to your dream galleries/brands/customers
Have you got each of these pillars covered?  I have been able to work with some of the biggest brands in the world with a very niche product… Knitted Art. This is because when I started out I would consistently reach out and share my work with my dream clients.
I don’t do as much outreach these days because I have built momentum and I'm reaping the rewards of the compound effect, but I do still occasionally reach out to brands that I dream of working with.
Sometimes I need to follow up, sometimes I never get a response at all, sometimes a commission comes from the contact 2 years down the line.

No response means nothing about you or your worth

When I don’t get a response I never make it mean anything about me as a human being, instead I ask myself did I reach out at the right time, was it the right person, are we a good fit for each other? I assess what i did and tweak if necessary.
Reaching out doesn't just need to look like sending an email, it can be inviting your dream client to join you mailing list so you can send them valuable updates, you could call someone and ask to meet for a coffee, you could send them your work in the post, or a print, or a christmas card, there hundreds of ways to reach out, get creative and find an approach that feels aligned and fun for you.
I was recently on a friend's podcast and she said that I was probably a bit of an outlier as most artists and creatives wait for an invitation, whereas actually I quite liked the thrill of the chase.
I am so pleased I am an outlier in this sense, because it means I can help you break free of the waiting game and show you how to make it happen. So many amazing artists quit because they cannot afford to wait to be discovered any longer and I feel it's my responsibility to show you this is possible for you. This can be uncomfortable work, reaching out to a stranger and requires vulnerability and courage. The key is to allow yourself to actually feel discomfort without trying to change it rather than procrastinating and running away. Reassure yourself that to create change you will feel discomfort, because you are leaving your comfort zone.  I want to encourage you to reach out today, offer something relevant and of value and remember this is a value exchange, it’s not one sided. You are offering your amazing product or service which fits perfectly with the gallery/ brand or customer and in exchange the goal is to get paid an awesome fee. Everyone's a winner.
If you are curious about 1:1 coaching with me and you would love to dive deeper email me