
  • Catarina Coelho

As you probably know, working for a startup means you have to wear many hats. And I love it. I joined Superb as a content creator, responsible for exploring new ideas for visual brand identity across different platforms. I worked with the marketing team to create social media assets, write, review and proofread content for the website and the blog, and monitor all relevant metrics. Soon after, I was promoted to Social Media & Content Manager. In this role, I had to build a social media strategy and create monthly calendars/schedules for social. I would then evaluate the results and provide regular performance reports, adapting based on the outcomes. I was coordinating asset delivery across various partner relationships and assisting with the execution of additional campaigns to increase brand exposure. I became the point of contact between the team and different stakeholders, agencies, and other providers in the content creation process. As for SEO, I developed keyword strategies and worked closely with the team to increase traffic to the blog and the website.

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