Sweet Mother

  • Jael Umerah-Makelemi

Happy Mother's Day! ⠀⠀ I initially wanted to post a quote, but decided to recreate what my interpretation of a mother looks like to me. I grew up in south London and one of the many traditions that was passed down through generations was carrying your baby on your back. Across Africa, women are seen carrying their babies on their backs or hips, swaddled in traditional fabric. When the mother sways, the baby sways too. When the mother bends, the baby bends too. There’s a synchronised harmony between them that lasts day and night. They begin to create a strong bond, one that is unbreakable. As they clean, cook or sell food, their baby is right there with them. This image is so vivid and ingrained in my mind as it just shows how amazing mothers are. Their ability to multitask is untouchable!!!