Tales of Love and Sadness From The Brothel of The Mind

  • Amelea Kaye

Tales of Love and Sadness is a book of poems exploring themes of love and loss. Killian Winpenny describes his inspirations as the ‘heavy-drinkers of life.’ When asked of the reactions he seeks from readers, Killian stated ‘I am not looking for any reaction, I am simply trying to communicate. I want people to relate not react.’ This mentality has influenced the design of the book. The design of the poetry book relies on structure and rhythm by following the fast stream of consciousness apparent in Killian’s process. To communicate this, the design employs established understandings of formatting poetry to enhance readability. The one aspect of the book that works outside of formatting conventions is the use of different text sizes. This attribute intends to emphasise particular elements of each poem that appear louder or more emotional. Adding a subtle tone of voice to create a smooth and effortless reading experience.

Written by Killian Winpenny - To contact visit Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/killian.winpenny

Illustrated by Zak Lauridsen - https://www.instagram.com/zaklauridsen_art/