Tales of The Andes

  • Alessandra Centorbi

Final year project, focusing on representing the culture of The Andes with a special focus on the production of food and food poverty in Latin America. The Quinoa is one of the main sources of nutrients in the Andes highlands, one of the few that grows in such harsh conditions, most aren't able to afford it due to the growing interest in Europe and North America in consuming it, making its price too expensive for the locals, which has become a problematic in the region, as Quinoa has been consumed since PreColumbian times and is a vital part of the Andean diet. For this project, I adapted a 3D plastic printer to work with clay, which allowed me to 3D print the handles on the vessels. Each piece was hand-built and decorated with sgraffito, inlay and wax resistance to produce a collection that not only talks about innovation in the crafts but also culture. Check out the full photobook here https://issuu.com/alessandracentorbi/docs/alessandra_centorbi_tales_of_the_andes_ceramics