Tate Modern Covid Measure Installation

  • Wen Chen

Create Covid measure reminders for all visitors in Tate Modern, especially the hallway area. We find out many visitors do not pay attention to the information board we set at the entrance. The approach is recommended to be interactive and playful instead of feeling of authority and formal copywriting. In terms of the format, any form of multi-media art will be the key to keep the cohesive public image of Tate Modern.

For the installation proposal ➔ Click HERE to the PDF deck.

One Way System

Displaying the text ‘Welcome Back’ at the beginning of the entrance. It is a dynamic typeface and will be responding to visitors’ movement when they follow the direction to the ticket checkpoint. The idea is to inform visitors that the one way system is in operation in Tate Modern. Visitors cannot exit from the exntrance as before. Visitors can interact with the type to see the motion-tracking tricks.

Play with the video detection in this prototype: https://preview.p5js.org/mrwenchen/present/IdxrJUrdIa

Wear A Mask

The screen is at your face- height position jsut like a mirror that reflects your face. It detects if the visitor wearing a face covering or not when standing in front of the screen. The screen will display visitor’s face with generated text hover on visitors’ facial area. The orange text ‘MASK’ appears on face if the visitor hasn’t worn one; blue text ‘MASK’ on the face means the visitor wearing properly.

Use Hand Sanitisers

When visitors come across the display, they have to move their hands underneath the sanitiser station to get the gel out onto both hands. After the gel drops out, the screen will be activated to start recording the movement of hands waving in the air as if the big screen is their painting canvas. The idea is to keep visitors’ hands sanitised as long as they could. The air painting will record only if two hands are putting it together. Therefore, it achieves the goal to remind visitors of using hand sanitisers for at least 20 seconds.

Keep 2M Distance

The last screen will distort the real-time moving images if two passengers do not maintain enough distance from each other. The distorted pixels are replaced by Covid-relevant emoji, such as virus, vaccine or face covering. The concept is to encourage visitors to keep in mind the social distancing before going to the venues. The last but not least important guidance amongst the whole Covid measures.