The final part of the Diaspora Trilogy is here. Like you care, you dont know what I'm talking about do you?

  • The Broken Toy Company

But that's fine. Understandable. There is so much going on out there, and this little big project just gets swallowed up by a mainstream that has the power to push through. I don't so you probably missed this, but, if you read this far, you must want to know more. This is a soundtrack to a film that doesnt exist. well not yet anyway, I worked with 2 people over the lockdown period to create a synopsis for three films, to sum up the content. 1: the end of the world 2: life on a new world 3: Intergalactic war and universal peace. We were strangers when we began this project. We still have only spoken on emails where we shared material and ideas. The three albums are conceptual soundtracks for the 3 imagined films Album one: Kali and the Psychonauts battle the evil robots of love Album two: Sirens Lament Album three: Eden's End

The album is available to listen to on Bandcamp, you can also purchase all three albums there. Pay whatever you feel.
and also the two previous albums too